Reborn Rich : The Best Recommended webtoon Review

Reborn Rich : The Best Recommend webtoon Review


 Reborn Rich webtoon is similar to isekai manga manga but it is not similar to isekai manga where our Main protagonist die and reincarnate in another world and become powerful . In Reborn rich all things are different from the isekai manga but one thing is same . In this webtoon our main is killed  by his company members , you will find out when you read the webtoon . 

So hello guys what's up ! Today I will recommend you a webtoon and the name of this webtoon is Reborn Rich . Hahaha! You already know about this webtoon in the first paragraph of this  article .

But in this article I tell you that is this webtoon is good or not .

So what's are waiting let's scrolling down the article .

So the Plot is , In the webtoon our protagonist  working for sunyang group . He was loyal to the sunyang group but the members of group betray and murdered him

For embezzlement . Then he reincarnate as youngest son in the sunyang group and he decide to takeover the sunyang group by his intelligence . You will know more details about the Reborn Rich webtoon . When you read the Reborn Rich webtoon .

Reborn Rich webtoon Review :

The Reason I like this webtoon because of her story , in the webtoon our main protagonist is not like the other main character in  Isekai manga but the main thing is that our main character is 12 year but his mind is 40 year old men.

Which help him to become youngest rich kid . With his intelligence he shows his worth that he can become the leader of the sunyang group . But he need to take big steps to become a leader of sunyang group . In the webtoon the writer used the well company like Microsoft but he changed the name of the company 

Like Mikrosoft and other companies in the webtoon . All family members of the company try to become leader of sunyang group with her dirty tricks and games but the main character use his intelligence to tackle the problem with the sunyang family .

Thing I not like in the webtoon is that it is not available in English translation but in Korean translation . So if you are interested to read this webtoon than you will need the party third sites to read Reborn Rich webtoon.

If are not interested in webtoon then you can try Reborn Rich show on Viki app on play store . When you finish the show than read this webtoon .

Reborn Rich drama trailer

So that's all in todays review .

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Then Goodbye ! Sarabada ! See you again ! 

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