Lookism manhwa: James Lee Vs Gun Park [Who Will Win the fight]

Lookism manhwa: James Lee Vs Gun Park [Who Will Win the fight]

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let's move on the today's new topic . today's our new topic is  Gun park vs James Lee . in today's blog we will compare both, like their Past, Personality and their Fighting Style .

So Let's Start The Fight Between Gun Park vs James Lee . Let's  see who will win the Fight in the next latest chapter of Lookism Manhwa .


    Lookism manhwa trailer 


     Gun Park's past life :


    Lookism manhwa: James Lee Vs Gun Park [Who Will Win the fight]

    Gun Park is a antagonist charcter of Lookism manhwa . he work's for the chairman charles choi of HNH group and the bodyguard of the chairman and her daughter Chrystal choi. but in the past he is yakuzu of the japan . in japan he was known as shiro oni (white oni) but after some time . he decide to going south korea . for achiving his dream he he created the 4 Men Crew for making lot of money from the illegal source . after making a big bucket of money . he started finding the suitable successor for his Big Empire .  Gun Park was introduced in first arc of the Lookism manhwa.


    James Lee's past life :

    Lookism manhwa: James Lee Vs Gun Park [Who Will Win the fight]

    James Lee Aka DG . James Lee is a legend from 1st generation of crew in the Lookism world . he was also known as one man circle because of his fighting style but after ending the 1st generation,  by the help of Chairman Choi ,he hide his true identity from world  but in The present time he is a K-Pop idol . he changed his real name DG from James Lee and now he is also the Ceo of PTJ Company which train the next generation Kop-idol . in the past James  Lee was great in his all field of work that he knows . James Lee was introduced in James Lee arc .

    Gun Park's Personality :

    Lookism manhwa: James Lee Vs Gun Park [Who Will Win the fight]

    Gun is always serious for his work as bodyguard to Chairman choi and manage the 4 men crew . he always wear a dark coloured glasses on his eyes to hide the scar on his face but when he enter in the fight , he remove his glasses to show his demonic look to other. gun is also a part of Ten genius raising by the charles choi and also known as training legend because he trained the some members of 4 men crew and also the Park Hyunseok . in the manhwa Goo kim stated that gun is 'pervert' whom gender is no concern for his attraction by Goo Kim . The nebulous nature of Goo's statement could refer to literal sexual attraction or a more idiosyncratic "attraction" to strong fighters.  

    the three child that were raised by Tom Lee , gun is one of them   . he becames merrciless when he fight with his opponent . in the current chapter of manhwa he beat the all upper members of the 'workers' because he shows that there is  no body who takes his postion and became the Gun Park is only one . gun is always interested in Park Hyunseok because of his copying fighting style and learn the things fast in the serious situation .


    James Lee's Personality :

    Lookism manhwa: James Lee Vs Gun Park [Who Will Win the fight]

    James Lee is a character which is foreshadowed by the Park tae-joon but he did not fully introduced him in the manhwa he only reveal his  name only in the runway fam arc  but now he finally introduced in the hunt for BIG Deal arc and fully joined the Workers Crew . James Lee always try to hide his identity to not become the target of his enemy like taesoo ma of ansan crew . he always try to gave his 100% in his work . he is most popular k-pop idol of the south korea . he is known to be extremely intelligent and talented . in his old school all trophies and award were displayed in his school hall which is now abandoned, showing his experties in his field of work .


    Both of their Fighting Prowess :


    Gun Park's Fighting  Prowess :

    Lookism manhwa: James Lee Vs Gun Park [Who Will Win the fight]

    Gun is strongest antagonist charcter of Lookism manhwa . he has mixed fighting style and complete mastry of the kyokushin karate which showed when he beat the kenta megami . high proficiency in aikido and capoeira when Johan use capoeira kick to attack the olly wang which he copied from the Gun , his fight with Goo  Kim and his Brazilian kick . he is also proficient in weapons using tonfas when comes to fight . he teach Eli Jang , how to use stun batons .  

    His body is so hard that can handle Warren Chae CQC attacks from just stand strait and Warren Chae Didn’t believe that his attacks were no effect on him  . he beat  the Johan Seon so easily who is strong amoung the all members of 4 Men Crew but he didn’t defeat the Gun and defeated the all members of original Hostel B when he has holding back including strong of members of Hostel B like Eli Jang , Warren Chae , Max and Derek . he also beat the Eugene VVIP with just a single kick and take down the all Executives of Workers like Eugene VVIP , Workers Vice – Chairman , Eli Jang , Kenta Megami , Kuroda Ryuhei  and Warren Chae .

    He also seen completely defeated the hundred of experienced and weaponized adult criminals including members of organized crime when he was 16 . he also trained all members of 4 Men Crew like Eli Jang , Olly Wang , Chrystal Choi and Park Hyunseok . later then it’s confirmed that Gun Park can also use ‘ Ultra Instinct ‘ just like the Park Hyunseok but in better way not like when daniel park Ultra Instinct is uncontrolable . in the latest chapter  he use his ‘ Ultra Instinct ’ at a full extant to beat the all Executives of Workers like Eugene VVIP , Workers Vice – Chairman , Eli Jang , Kenta Megami , Kuroda Ryuhei  and Warren Chae . his body also handle Kuroda Ryuhei‘s ‘ Cammando’ attacks with just Boxing Guard .


    James Lee‘s Fighting  Prowess :

    Lookism manhwa: James Lee Vs Gun Park [Who Will Win the fight]

    As the legend of First Generation , DG is immensely strong and powerful and one of the strongest character in the Lookism Manhwa Series . some times it says that he is strongest of all in First Generation . he also beat the Taesoo Ma who is known as ‘King of Ansan’ Public and all members of Ansan Public . he is known as one man circle who ended the First Generation which is belong to the well known fighters like Taesoo Ma and other. He always favors using style similar to Capoeira and being incredible swift and swift to dodge the attacks from the opponent . as Taesoo Ma mentioned that DG(James Lee) can use ‘Invicible moves’ like the BIG Deal Former NO 1 Sinu Han and the Garpyoung Kim .

    So in the end who will win this Battle . in my opinion both charcters were legend in their past and Powerful amoung the all in the LOOKISM . but I will prefers that James Lee will win this Battle because he is a Legend of first generation which ends the first generation without the help of anyone . he beat the Taesoo Ma who is known as ‘King of Ansan’  he trained him to beat the James Lee but the James Lee beat within just seconds . it’s just my prediction for latest  Lookism manhwa chapter 428 becaue in this we will see that how strong are both characters . one is known as Shiro Oni and one is a Legend of the First Generation . so the real outcomes were shown in the next chapter of lookism .

     it just a Prediction but in the next chapter James lee will win the fight against Gun Park .


    Questions related to Lookism manhwa :

    Q – 1 When will Lookism manga end? 

    Ans – in my opinion , Lookism manhwa is complete the full arc which is now running in this time Period and it all depends on the Creator of Lookism .’Park Tae-Joon’ . in his interview he says that he can kill anybody that irritates him .

    Q – 2 Is Lookism a good manhwa?

    Ans -  Better than expected! This was my first introduction to Lookism both as an animated series and as a manhwa, and I must say it was a lot better than I expected! A LOT BETTER.

    Q – 3 Is Lookism a Yaoi manga?

    Ans – no Lookism is not like the yaoi manga because in some panels of Lookism manhwa . women played crucial role at the serious situation .

    Q – 4 Who is the main antagonist in lookism?

    Ans – the main antagonist in the manhwa is gun park because gun way more strong among all characters of lookism and he is best the antagonist in lookism .

    So I hope you like this article . it takes me lot of time to write this article , so please share this article to your Lookism readers fan and manhwa readers and click on the Banner between the article means Ads by your support we can always try to bring the Best Content for you .

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    That’s all in today’s article . ok BYE BYE!

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